We hacked ku klux klan website, look what we found!

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We “hacked” the ku klux klan website and found a letter composed by the regional klan leader. This letter is to all the big businesses in America and their C.E.O.’s asking for donations and trying to convince them that their children’s future is at stake. The letter talks about how the white race is on a decline and how they must do something before they become a “minuscule minority in a brown flood”. They claim they want to find a non-violent solution to the so called “white genocide” and also that the white race is the most hated race. In my opinion I think that they got it all wrong. See I don’t believe that anyone has a problem with the white race, but instead I believe that the white race(particularly European Americans) has a problem with everyone else.

My intent for posting this screenshot of this kkk letter is not to report on what the kkk is doing but it is to show an example of how these folks hate anyone that is not their own and yet their people will still support them. Even if they do not share their views, white folks will still support white folks. Nothing wrong with that but what about spending that same energy helping all people. I believe that many of these businesses will and do donate to this hate movement. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your people and being left alone by everyone else however, these people seem to not be able to do that without hating others. Seriously, out of all the people that they hate who has actually done anything wrong to them? Of course not all European Americans share the the same views as the kkk however,  I believe many of them do.

Now, I always give credit where credit is due and honestly I must say that from the information that I see on their websites they seem to promote “non-violent hate”. Before, I ever explored their site or did any research on the kkk I always looked at them as white cowardly racist devils hiding behind hoods that murder and hurt innocent people just because they are different. However, according to their site and one of their leaders, violence is not their way. According to the site they claim to be God fearing Christians that want to peacefully hate everyone that is not apart of their race and movement and ensure the preservation of their race. If this is truly their views, a non-violent approach, then I would say that the kkk has come along way from the racist murderous demons that most of us know them as. In my opinion everyone has the right to believe in or dislike whomever or whatever that they please as long as their beliefs and views do not interfere with the lives of others. 


KKK Letter

A letter composed by the regional leader of the klan.


Now, I want to use this letter as an example of how we as blacks should be on a level to where we are getting neighborhood support from black businesses as well as support in building more black businesses in black neighborhoods. If the white race is on a decline, and it is, then we need to be prepared as a people to take over in running the wold. One thing about the Universe is that when she presents you with an opportunity you must be prepared to act. Our time is coming to rule this world once again but we have to be prepared. The universe always fixes herself and sooner than later their will be but one race on this planet especially since interracial mating has been on a rise. I believe that in the future we humans on earth will no longer be able to differentiate between races. It will be one race and since black is the most dominate when we talk about genes and population globally, I believe that this race will all look like the black people of this planet. This joining of races will eliminate most of the differences that we have and hopefully cause us to become closer, learn to work together and finally look at each other as equal. This in my opinion will be manifest destiny.



Not only do these people have businesses behind them but obviously by the looks of this article below they also have law enforcement behind them and I’m pretty sure they have plenty of politics silently behind them as well. This is what we need in the black community because the power is in the money and politics, once you have a control over those elements you then have power. Spend money as you need and make laws to benefit you and your people.


kkk site screenshot

What was so successful about their trip???



To be fair they do claim that some of the psychotic individuals that we see in the media today are just crazy individuals that are claiming the klan and do not actually represent them.

kkk website screenshot

Just to be fair!







*The word “hacked” is used in this post including  in the title jokingly. No site was actually hacked, this information is available publicly on their site.

King DK

Just chasing the truth...

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