Is our air is being polluted on a much larger scale than just cars and trucks?

In the video above Dr. Rosalind Peterson, President & Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition or ADC, speaks with the United Nations about the dangers of  “chemtrails” and weather modification experiments.

         If you look up at the sky on any given day you can see them going in different directions, different altitudes and different distances. Most scientist and experts will say that they are just contrails which is basically a trail of condensation. However, there seems to be some people who believe that these trails that we normally seen trailing commercial and military jets are toxic trails of aluminum and barium known as “chemtrails” . Chemtrails are said to be the longer trails that we see lasting for hours and spreading out over the sky before vanishing away. While harmless contrails usually are shorter and tend to dissipate quickly. Many test have been done to see if there is truly a risk from these supposed harmless trails and again we run into conflicting information. Some test show extremely high levels of toxic materials while others claim to show “safe” or “normal” levels of these materials.

         At an United Nations meeting  Dr. Rosalind Peterson, President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition or ADC, spoke about the dangerous effects chemtrails have on agriculture and on solar power . The ADC was started in 2006 to help protect agriculture from a variety of experimental atmospheric and weather testing programs.  In her speech Dr. Peterson talks about government, private and universities weather modification experiments that possibly include making man-made unnatural clouds. These clouds are said to be whiter than normal clouds. and reflect sun light back into space. If you’re wondering why as I was, you might be surprised at the possible answer that I uncovered.  According to an article publish to in June of 2010, billionaire Bill Gates is helping fund research that will develop a way of making clouds whiter in order to help protect the earth from the effects of global warming.   This research however, does not claim to include the use of any chemicals but only applications of salty seawater in the form of mist. The salt in the seawater is supposed to react with the cloud forming process in a way that will allow the clouds to reflect the sunlight back and essentially cooling the planet back down.

King DK

Just chasing the truth...

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